The Wells Sanitary District was formed by the Maine Legislature under Title 38, Chapter 11, Sanitary Districts, in 1970. The five-member Board of Trustees is elected by the citizens of Wells. The Trustees serve 3-year staggered terms. The Trustees hold monthly meetings to conduct District business.
The majority of the sewer lines, pump stations, and the wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) were built in the 1970’s and became operational in 1980. Currently, the District maintains and operates 10 pump stations, 44 miles of sewer lines, and the secondary WWTF, which has capacity for treating 2.0 million gallons per day.
Mission Statement
To provide the highest quality wastewater collection and treatment services at the lowest possible cost to our customers, while protecting human health, the environment, and Wells beaches and marshes.
Vision Statement
WSD strives to be diligent, customer-focused stewards of the environment, continuously improving in collecting, transporting and treating wastewater.
Arms of the Wells Sanitary District
Symbolism: A gold shield, as in the arms of the Town of Wells, with the original red chevron, representing the land grant to Sir Fernando Gorges, now augmented by a symbol of pure waters representing both the ocean waves of Wells and the mission of the Wells Sanitary District. The two wells (puits) on the shield have been retained, symbolizing the City of Wells, England for which the Town was named. A shell(escallop) at the bottom, traditional symbol for all crusades, here represents both the Wells Sanitary Districts crusade against water pollution, and the significance of shell fishing to Wells. The lozenges behind the shield and the tinctures in the shield were also retained from the Gorges Coat of Arms.